
The darkest night

Hello, darling.

I would like to tell you that I see you. But.....I don't. This night is so dark, I don't even see my face no more. I am just walking around, looking for the tiniest string of light coming from any direction...but I just don't see it. Complete darkness.
Must I say that I am not used to it, or do you already know that?
What hurts the most is that I can't even feel your touch, or your warmth, to guide me through the black smoke that has surrounded me. I would just sit down, and cry my heart out, until it's gone, completely gone, to the last beat, and then I would be with you. I would, but I can't. I know how lost I feel without you, my dear, so I won't let all the people I love feel lost without me. I won't be selfish in my pain, and I won't let it rot my soul, so I am fighting it so hard. I am fighting this darkness the best I can, bumping here and there, with every move I make in this darkened world, without you. I am lost and I am scared.

Is it selfish if I want to be with you forever?

I focus on some other things during the daytime, trying to be brave, trying to keep my head up and smile. I don't know how much longer will I be able to. And I promise I will try, as long as I can.

But nights....oh...every night, my dear, without you, is the darkest night ever.

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